Grandma’s Star Quilt Block – A Free Pattern

Hi everyone! How is everything there? I hope you are all well, healthy and eager to learn. And for that you can count on All Free Ck, here you will find a lot of incredible things. We are very happy to know that you remember us when it comes to crafts, and that is why we already have the next model for us to learn together. Thinking about a very detailed model, Grandma’s Star Quilt Block is coming to be the pattern of your weekend.

Yes, you can do it in a few hours and you can even use scraps left over from other projects. But look what a beautiful thing, very delicate and with bright colors. The delicacy is due to the prints used. The drawings are very minimalist, even though they are in red and blue, very vibrant colors. You can see how the colors of the prints complement each other, they are present in all fabrics.

This is one of the easiest ways to choose and combine prints. Look for designs that have colors in common, in all of them. Then it’s just a matter of choosing how you’re going to use them in the assembly and that’s success. In grandma’s star quilt block the cutouts are small, they should be smaller than you are used to. But this is not impeditive or makes the quilt block more difficult.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: A Bee in my Bonnet

With calm and dedication you will see what you can do. You can use the block quilts in many pieces and can range from decorative items to comfortable quilts. For this you can either increase the size of the pieces, having a bigger block, or make the same block several times and sew them together. As the pieces are so small, you may want to measure more than once before cutting to be sure.

There are several seams and, as each one of them has an excess to facilitate the sewing, you must iron each one of them. In the image on the back, you can see that if the excess is ironed well, it is folded and does not interfere with the next seam. It’s details like that, with practice, you’ll learn and become more and more expert. Shall we quilt? Come start this pattern today and, if you have any doubts, talk to us here in the comments. We are at your disposal to help you and to continue quilting.